ProjectWise Deliverables Management Help

Notification Emails

When you receive an email notification about any incoming or outgoing item, the email may contain two links - Open in PWE and Open in Portal - so you can choose which interface you want to open the item from. It is mostly a matter of preference which interface you use, although you must have the ProjectWise Deliverables Management connector for ProjectWise Explorer installed to use the Open in PWE link.

When you click Open in PWE, a web browser opens and you are taken to a redirection page. Click Open in ProjectWise Explorer on the redirection page. ProjectWise Explorer opens and prompts you to log in to the datasource that contains the associated work area that the item was sent from or received into. After logging in, you are taken to the Deliverables Management node of the associated work area and the item is selected in the appropriate Incoming or Outgoing folder.

When you click Open in Portal, a web browser opens and, after signing in, the item is opened in the ProjectWise Deliverables Management portal of your ProjectWise project.